Drought conditions continue to expand in the state. New drought resources from Nebraska Extension are now available. The resources include a webpage and expertise directory.
Drought webpage:
Find information on topics like agriculture, lawn and garden, mental wellness, and more. Visit the webpage: https://disaster.unl.edu/drought
Expertise directory:
We compiled a drought expertise directory that Extension professionals can use to find experts within our organization or to direct media inquiries.
The directory is available on the Employee Resources section of the disaster website; it is in the Box folder labeled "Drought." Be sure to log in using your UNL credentials. Visit the Employee Resources section on the disaster website: https://disaster.unl.edu/employee-resources
Thanks to everyone who shared their information so they could be included on the list. If you would like to be added, complete the form: https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bILI5twUmUvEBBX
More details at: https://disaster.unl.edu/employee-resources