Advising Updates

UNL Geology
UNL Geology

Hello Geology Majors,

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope that you were able to enjoy yourself over spring break, and I hope that included some down time to relax and rest up for the second half of the spring semester.

Priority Registration for the Fall 2022 semester will start on Monday, March 28th, and I expect that my calendar will be pretty full with meetings. I apologize if my email response times are a bit slower, but I will get back to you as soon as I can. At this time, everyone has been assigned a Priority Registration Enrollment Appointment, which is your first opportunity to enroll in classes for the Fall 2022 semester. You already have access to the Fall 2022 semester schedule within MyRed and the Enrollment Scheduler, so you can start planning out classes and loading them into your shopping cart.

This fall, the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences is planning to offer the following Geology courses beyond the usual GEOL 101 and other Geology 100-level courses meant to fulfill general education requirements like ACE 4:

GEOL 200: Minerology (Major Core Course)
GEOL 300: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (Major Core Course)
GEOL 308: Biogeography (Major Elective Course)
GEOL 361: Soils, Environment, and Water Quality (Major Elective Course - lots of prerequisites outside of the Geology major)
GEOL 372: Earth and Water Connections (Major Elective Course)
GEOL 400: Structural Geology (ACE 10, Major Core Course)
GEOL 412: Volcanology and Igneous Petrology (Major Elective Course)
GEOL 424: Biogeochemical Cycles (Major Elective Course)
GEOL 445: Advanced Geophysics (Major Elective Course)
GEOL 491: Special Topics in Geology (Computational Methods for Modeling Earth Systems) - See Dr. Elkins or Dr. Haacker for more information! (Major Elective Course)

Please don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with me if any questions about classes for the Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 semesters. Remember, advising-related holds on your registration for future semesters can normally NOT be lifted without a meeting, so please plan ahead.

Best wishes, Doug

CAS Student Spotlight
Do you want to be featured by the college? Share your story by filling out this quick web form and show others why Geology is for you. Showcase all the opportunities and experiences you are gaining with your Geology major.

CAPS Undergraduate BIPOC Therapy Group Available
Counseling and Psychological Services has a Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Therapy group that currently meets on Wednesdays from 3:00-4:30pm on Zoom. This group is designed for undergraduate students of color to offer and receive support from peers as they develop self-awareness and insight on issues such as academics, imposter syndrome, micro-aggressions, isolation, loneliness, adjustment to college, and more. Since this is classified as a therapy group, each group member needs to be an official patient at CAPS, which consists of having an open file and having completed an Initial Evaluation appointment. At the initial evaluation appointment, students can share with the clinician that they are interested in the Undergrad BIPOC group, and the clinician can connect interested students with therapy group facilitators, Falesa and Derrick. The CAPS phone number is 402-472-7450.