UCAR Next Generation Fellowships - 2022
The Next Generation Fellowships offer graduate students the opportunity to learn alongside leaders in their fields. Each two-year fellowship provides financial support for graduate school and two summer visits. The program offers three distinctive fellowship tracks: Earth System Science, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Public Policy.
Earth System Science Fellowship
This two-year award provides financial support for graduate school and two summer visits to Boulder, Colorado to work on current or new projects, in any of the scientific, engineering, applied mathematics, or computational labs of the National Center for Atmospheric Research or UCAR’s Community Programs, whose activities range from providing data and software services to education, and public outreach.
The UCAR Next Generation Fellowship in Earth System Science is intended for graduate students that are:
• attending a North American University
• have U.S. or foreign citizenship
• holding an undergraduate degree in atmospheric science or a related Earth system science, such as one of the other geosciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, meteorology, oceanography, physics, or social science, and planning to actively pursue a graduate degree in atmospheric or related Earth system science
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Fellowship
This fellowship is for graduate students who are considering a move from atmospheric and related Earth system science research to a career in diversity, equity, and inclusion. This fellowship will include two summers based at UCAR in Boulder, Colorado, with UCAR’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion focuses on programs that increase the representation of diverse individuals in the sciences, programs that improve the workplace culture to be welcoming and inclusive for all, and programs that integrate diverse knowledge and ways of thinking into our science and education programs.
The UCAR Next Generation Fellowship in Diversity and Inclusion is intended for graduate students that are:
• attending a North American University
• have U.S. or foreign citizenship
• holding an undergraduate degree in atmospheric science or a related Earth system science, such as one of the other geosciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, meteorology, oceanography, physics, or social science
• considering a move from atmospheric and related Earth system science research to a career with a specific focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion
Public Policy Fellowship
The Public Policy Fellow will get the opportunity to work one on one with the UCAR Government Relations team. This fellowship will provide the tools and skills needed to effectively communicate science to policymakers, with the goal of using the fellow's own research to develop a policy briefing for a Congressional audience. Depending on how Congress is operating, the UCAR Government Relations Office will seek to place the Fellow in a Congressional office for their second summer of the fellowship. As appropriate, there may also be an opportunity to come to Boulder to work with the UCAR Government Relations team during the term of the fellowship.
The UCAR Next Generation Fellowship in Public Policy is intended for graduate students that are:
• attending a North American University
• U.S. citizen (required for this fellowship track)
• holding an undergraduate degree in atmospheric science or a related Earth system science, such as one of the other geosciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, meteorology, oceanography, physics, or social science
• wanting to focus on public policy and government relations and planning to pursue a graduate degree in atmospheric or related Earth system science with a focus on public policy
Application and all required materials must be received by MIDNIGHT (MOUNTAIN DAYLIGHT TIME) ON MAY 16, 2022.
Awards announced: August 5, 2022
Awards begin: Fall semester 2022
Summer visits begin: May/June 2023 & May/June 2024
These awards are for two nine-month school years, starting in the fall of 2022 and the fall of 2023. The visits are for up to ten weeks during the summer of 2023 and the summer of 2024. Fellows will receive $20,000 for the first school year and $20,000 for the second school year, to be used for expenses related to attending school, e.g., costs of rent, medical, childcare, books, tuition. Fellows can also receive additional support to attend community conferences, a meeting or a workshop. UCAR will provide funds for travel to Boulder or Washington D.C. along with ground transportation, housing and per diem for the length of the visits.