The University of Nebraska-Lincoln and its surrounding community is constantly evolving to reach greater heights as a 21st-century, world-leading land grant institution.
Learn about the exciting international recognition Nebraska has received for its academics and research activity, as well as unwavering support for international students.
Nebraska unwavering in supports for international students
University of Nebraska–Lincoln leaders voiced continued support for international students following a now-rescinded July 6 announcement by the federal government. Although the guidance was not expected to impact Nebraska students, the university’s quick and strong response included statements of support from Chancellor Ronnie Green, student leaders from all University of Nebraska institutions, and Josh Davis, associate vice chancellor for global affairs and the university's senior international officer. The University of Nebraska also joined an amicus brief opposing the July 6 guidance, led by Harvard University and MIT, that eventually led to the reversal of the guidance.
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NU moves up ranks of world’s top 100 for U.S. patents
For the third consecutive year, the University of Nebraska system ranks among the top 100 academic institutions worldwide in earning U.S. patents. A newly released report from the National Academy of Inventors and Intellectual Property Owners Association lists the NU system as tied at No. 65, moving up 14 spots from last year’s ranking. The ranking comprises patents granted in 2019 to NU’s technology transfer offices: NUtech Ventures at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and UNeMed Corp. at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the University of Nebraska Omaha. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office granted the NU system 44 U.S. patents in 2019. Husker researchers are named on 35 of those patents, including 11 shared with UNMC.
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Nebraska among world’s best universities for ag, forestry
The 2020 Shanghai Ranking of Academic Subjects, released in June, ranked Nebraska 46th among universities worldwide and 18th among all institutions in the United States. The rankings consider the number of papers published in top journals and conferences, and significant awards won by faculty, among other factors. In the past year, Nebraska researchers have made progress toward development of crops that are tolerant of heat, extreme cold and drought. They are in the midst of research to aid in the development of hybrid wheat varieties, as well as in the development of vaccines and other protections against two devastating swine diseases.
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Conversation guides sought for Husker Dialogues
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is calling on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln community to lend their voices by volunteering for this year’s Husker Dialogues as conversation guides. Husker Dialogues introduces incoming first-year students to the tools they need to engage in meaningful conversations and create an inclusive Husker community. In an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy, Huskers Dialogues is going virtual this year. The sessions will be held Sept. 10, 15, 16 and 17 at 7 p.m. Volunteers are welcome to help host multiple nights.
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To submit a campus news feature for the next edition of the Global Nebraska newsletter, please contact Courtney Van Hoosen in the Office of Global Strategies at cvanhoosen2@unl.edu.