Know How to Greet Friends, Family, and Professionals Without a Handshake

Alternative Greetings
Alternative Greetings

COVID-19 has drastically changed many parts of our lives: from how we work, conduct classes, and even how we greet one another. As long as masks and social distancing are the norm, students must learn and adapt to new forms of greeting without shaking each others' hands. And in the midst of fall recruitment, it is essential to know how to greet professionals appropriately, as well as knowing the difference between greeting your friends and potential future employers.

Impress peers and professionals with these alternative greetings.


Greeting Friends and Family

Masks (since people can’t see you smile, consider…)
-Wear a mask with bright colors or fun patterns
-Head nod
-Say hello
-Raise eyebrows
-Focus on eye contact

Instead of a handshake
-Fist bump
-Elbow bump
-Air high five
-Sign language wave (bring one hand to the top of your forehead like you’re about to salute, then flick your wrist away from your head like a small wave)
-Create an alternative greeting with close friends and family – get creative!


Greeting Professionals In-Person

Masks (since people can’t see you smile, consider…)
-Wear a neutral-colored mask with small/no pattern that is easy for you to talk in
-Head nod
-Say hello
-Raise eyebrows
-Focus on eye contact

Instead of a handshake
-Bow or “namaste” gesture (press palms together at your chest or chin and bow slightly)
-Hand over the heart (with a head nod or bow)
-Mime handshake (you each hold your hand out and gesture up and down without touching)
-Stop, Drop, and Nod greeting (stand still, drop your hand/put them behind your back, and nod)
-If the other person extends their hand for a handshake, consider holding both of your hands up and saying, “I’m sorry. I’m not shaking hands right now, but it’s great to meet you.” (Remember – Don’t say you’re sick.)

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