Represent Nebraska at the National Diversity Case Competition

National Diversity Case Competition
National Diversity Case Competition

The National Diversity Case Competition (NDCC) is a premier event that brings together top-level, diverse talent from colleges and universities across the country. This event includes networking, a case competition, and workshops. Corporate partners have the opportunity to recruit students by judging the case competition, presenting workshops, and engaging in networking.

The NDCC is held annually over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend and this year's 10th annual competition will take place on January 15–16, 2021. Cash prizes will be awarded totaling $20,000 for top teams.

Undergraduate students from institutions across the United States will be able connect with the event’s corporate partners in events before an throughout the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend.

Due to COVID-19, the 10th annual competition will be entirely virtual.

For more information, please visit the National Diversity Case Competition website:

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