SCIL 101 Learning Assistants needed for Fall 2023

Build leadership and professional development in teaching and communication!
Build leadership and professional development in teaching and communication!

The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is looking for undergraduate and graduate students and post-docs to serve as Learning Assistants in SCIL 101: Science and Decision-making for a Complex World. The course focuses on big questions about socioscientific issues related to food, fuel, land, water and health systems in Nebraska and beyond, and on helping students engage in science-informed decision-making, evaluate popular and scientific media, and engage in systems-thinking. LAs are paid $1,800 per semester (on top of assistantships for graduate students) or $12 per hour.

Learn more about SCIL 101:

To apply:
Please send an email to Jen Teshera-Levye ( and include:
- your current resume
- a short paragraph describing why you are interested in the position
- Undergrads only: your class standing, major and GPA
Each semester is a rolling deadline until positions are filled.

More details at: