2025 Digital Humanities Graduate Fellowship: App. Deadline Feb. 28, 2025

2024 DH Summer Fellows with CDRH Faculty and Staff
2024 DH Summer Fellows with CDRH Faculty and Staff

Are you a graduate student at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln studying in the humanities or related areas? Are you interested in how the digital humanities can further your research and career? Consider applying for the Digital Humanities Summer Fellowship! This is a competitive program funded by the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (cdrh.unl.edu) and designed to promote student-led DH scholarship and creation. We anticipate awarding up to four Fellowships for 2025.

The 2025 Summer Fellowship will run from May 27 to August 15 as an intensive program designed to accelerate graduate students' research, scholarship, and creative production. Students are expected to be in residence in Lincoln for the first 6 weeks of the summer (May 27-July 3). In the latter half of the summer (July 7-August 15), the program director and cohort will meet weekly via Zoom.

During the fellowship period, students commit to developing a critical contribution to the Humanities, broadly understood, that depends on digital methodologies for research, creation, and/or dissemination. Students might use the fellowship to kickstart a new idea or to advance an ongoing project. While developing their own work, Fellows also support one another through conversation, critical engagement, and knowledge exchange in a collaborative environment. Fellows must be willing to actively engage with others working in different disciplinary areas and with a range of methodologies.

Digital Humanities Summer Fellows will receive a stipend of $4500 to support focus on their project during the fellowship period. Fellows will have access to hardware, software, and a shared workspace in Dinsdale Family Learning Commons (East Campus). Fellows learn alongside each other and from faculty and staff in the CDRH and others from the UNL community and beyond. Digital Humanities Summer Fellows are required to spend 20 hours per week in the collaboration space during the first 6 weeks of the fellowship period.

Fellows will coordinate schedules with one another and the program director to make the most of the co-working environment. Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students (master's or doctoral) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
To apply, submit the following components in a single PDF to the Digital Humanities Summer Fellowship director, Carrie Heitman (cheitman2@unl.edu):
1. A letter of application, including (a) a description of the project you plan to undertake as a Digital Humanities Summer Fellow, with projected outcomes from the fellowship period and the significance of this work; (b) a description of how this project fits within your larger program of study and supports your professional goals, whatever they may be; (c) a statement of your research/creative needs, as you currently understand them, whether technical, informational or content-based, or other; (d) a statement that indicates why this fellowship environment is a good fit for developing this work; (e) a plan for communicating about your work to appropriate audiences (academic, public, etc.); and (f) a statement about your availability during the fellowship period (May 27 to August 15, 2025), including anticipated time away from UNL over the fellowship period. This letter of application should be no more than two pages.

2. A two-page cv.

Each applicant must also ask a faculty member to submit a letter of recommendation and support that speaks to the intellectual strengths of your project; your ability to participate in, share, and learn in a group-based environment; and your potential for success as a Digital Humanities Summer Fellow. The recommendation letter should be submitted by the deadline directly to Carrie Heitman (cheitman2@unl.edu).

Applications are due via email to cheitman2@unl.edu by Friday, February 28th 2025. Digital Humanities Summer Fellows will be selected by a committee comprised of faculty and staff at UNL. Decisions will be announced as soon as possible after that date.

Please contact Carrie Heitman with any questions.