Acknowledgement Credit System Now Live

HCC has established a system of improved scheduling priority for individuals who acknowledge the use of HCC resources in related publications.  This will not be a dedicated resource as in priority access, but will improve your position waiting for shared resources with respect to the normal fair share policy.  Researchers who acknowledge HCC in publications, proposals, or related work will be entitled to improved priority in the scheduling queue.  This priority change will have no affect on current priority access on leased or owned equipment.

Priority increases will be allotted in units of core-years (i.e. the use of one core for a calendar year) according to the following classifications:

Class A: 2 core-years (17,520 core hours)
Awarded for acknowledgements within reviewed publications, dissertations and master theses. Funded grant applications will also receive Class A increases if HCC will be used significantly in the proposed research, or played a role in landing the award (as determined by the PI).

Class B: 1 core-year (8,760 core hours)
Awarded for acknowledgements within undergraduate theses and any reviewed presentations.

Class C: 0.5 core-years (4,380 core hours)
Awarded for acknowledgements in unreviewed presentations, unfunded grant proposals and any published news articles or videos which highlight HCC services.

More information regarding acknowledgement of HCC use, including recommended verbiage, can be found here:

Any acknowledgements as of January 1st, 2017 will be eligible for credits. If you would like to receive credit, please submit your information at

More details at: