New Core Users Grant Program

In an effort to promote usage of core facilities, the Office of Research and Economic Development has announced the implementation of a new grant aimed to assist faculty in gathering data for use in grant proposals or manuscripts.

Any NU faculty member who has not utilized services from a core facility since 2015 and require those services to generate data to support new/resubmitted grants or resubmitted/revised manuscripts is eligible to apply for $5000 for usage of a single core or $9000 for two or more cores. This applies only to individuals who have not previously purchased either priority access to HCC computing or Attic storage (i.e. new purchasers).

New purchasers may request up to $5000 for this fiscal year. At HCC, this could equate to up to a one-year lease for 200 TB of Attic storage space, 8 dedicated Crane nodes, 2 CraneOPA nodes, or another linear combination according to current pricing rates.

Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

More details at: