Student Bills Due Feb. 12

Student bills are due Feb. 12.
Student bills are due Feb. 12.

Student bills are due Feb. 12, and installment options are available through Husker Payment Plan.

Tuition and fees, along with University Housing costs, bookstore charges and other costs incurred to Student Account, will be due in full on Feb. 12
for the 2022 Spring Semester.

If students are having difficulties paying the entirety of their student bill by the deadline, there are options available to assist, such as enrolling in the Husker Payment Plan which allows students to pay their bill in 3 installments throughout the spring semester rather than all at once for an additional charge of $20.

Sponsored students funded by a scholarship, foreign government program or other entity are encouraged to check and ensure that their Office of Student Accounts has an updated Financial Guarantee or third-party sponsorship letter on file for you.

If students’ health insurance is purchased by a third-party/sponsor/scholarship and meets the requirements to waive the UNL insurance, students must also waive their UNL insurance by Feb. 12 to not be charged for this.

More information can be found here.

For any questions regarding student account or the health insurance waiver, email or visit the Husker Hub on the First Floor of the Canfield Administration Building.

More details at: