![The NAVIGATE Project aims to increase STEM graduates who persist in their chosen disciplines and achieve leadership roles.](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file171066.png)
The Graduate Student Assembly cordially invites all graduate students to participate in a 3-day in-person NAVIGATE Leadership Workshop geared towards women and LGBTQ+ identifying graduate students in STEM fields to be held at the Willa S. Cather Dining Complex City Campus during October 21-23rd, 2022 from 9am-6pm.
Lunches and dinners are included. This professional development program is designed to equip students with practical skills for navigating through instances of gender bias, inequity, discrimination, and substandard wages that you might experience while studying or in the workplace after you graduate.
The workshop will be highly interactive and aims to facilitate networking with peers from across campus while learning new skills to support your professional success in your chosen field. The workshop will comprise of keynote presentations, case study discussion sessions, mentoring sessions, and team-building activities. Moreover, there will be plenty of opportunities to get personalized advice from workshop facilitators.
The workshop will be facilitated by distinguished faculty members at UNL. There is a limit to the number of participants for this workshop and early registration is encouraged. Kindly use the following link to register for the event. Kindly direct any questions to: vpstdaffairsgsa@unl.edu
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLLDXcLZcxVUk7j4SXD2U7qBxxSjpgW4KIYSXjmVsGZWSZug/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0