Journalism Interns - Nonprofit Sector News

Nonprofit Sector News (NSN), a new nonprofit news organization, seeks journalism interns (half-time or full-time) for Summer 2020. NSN has three functions,* the core one being original journalism (news, features, investigative) on nonprofits of all kinds all over the USA, and supplying that news, as a kind of news service, free to U.S. news media on all platforms through an emailed newsletter. (NSN is for other journalists and the general public. It is not a trade publication for nonprofit employees or boards, unlike Chronicle of Philanthropy, Nonprofit Quarterly, etc.).

NSN needs you! (Especially if you had a summer internship canceled, maybe you need NSN!)

Interns will be given choices of story ideas and also will be able to propose story ideas. Interns will work from home, conducting background research and interviews using telephones, email, Zoom/Skype/etc., Internet searches, and website visits. Students will: be given introductory information about covering nonprofits, get editing and feedback on their writing, be able to ask NSN questions as they are working on stories, and be asked to suggest media outlets that their stories be sent to. (As a startup nonprofit, internships will be unpaid, at least this year.) Interns also will also be able to use NSN Editor/E.D. Dr. Dane S. Claussen as a reference.

Students should send a letter of application, a resume (including at least three journalism references such as professors or editors)—both as email attachments—and scans of, or links to, your best five stories published/posted in commercial and/or student news media to NSN. Your application letter should state why you want to intern for NSN and, preferably, your story ideas.

Apply to: Dr. Dane S. Claussen, Nonprofit Sector News, (Do not apply through NSN’s LinkedIn page or Facebook page.)