Downtown Lincoln Association - Communications Coordinator | Part‐Time

CoJMC career opportunity
CoJMC career opportunity

Job Description
Position Title: Communications Coordinator | Part‐Time
Apply to: Downtown Lincoln Association: | 402.434.6906
Position Summary:
The Communications Coordinator serves as support for the marketing team and administrative staff. This position
requires an outgoing and self‐motivated attitude and proficient social media, interviewing and writing skills. The
Communications Coordinator will develop relationships with a wide variety of downtown businesses to help promote
DLA’s mission. This position offers hands‐on learning experiences that provide real‐world training.
Specific Duties:
1. Interview new and current downtown business owners, employees and various other constituents.
2. Write and post weekly news stories and updates for DLA’s website, newsletter, and social media.
3. Write and disseminate various downtown related news releases and feature articles.
4. Work in conjunction with the marketing department to maintain and update DLA’s website.
5. Develop and maintain positive working relations with downtown business and property owners, city officials and
development community.
6. Serve as primary liaison for the distribution of multiple marketing materials across downtown.
7. Assist in the planning and execution of various downtown events
8. Serve as an assistant for customer service and telephone responses.
9. Assist in updating property owner, business directory, parking facility, space available, downtown living and
other mailing databases.
Position Requirements: .
 Strong interview, writing, and communication skills
 Proficiency with all social media tools including but not limited to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Constant
Contact, Foursquare and Pinterest.
 Ability to communicate with a diverse group of people
 Meet a variety of demands in a fast‐paced environment
 Ability to be detail oriented and self motivated
 Some familiarity with web site management is preferred (HTML experience not required)
 Strong skills in Microsoft Word & Excel and Knowledge of InDesign is preferred.
 Ability to deliver materials throughout the downtown area either on foot or by personal transportation
Position Specifications:
Compensation: Starting at $10.00/hour
Hours: 20‐25 | Very Flexible
How to apply: Send a brief cover letter, resume and relevant writing samples to: or mail to Downtown Lincoln Association
206 S. 13th Street, Suite 101
Lincoln, NE 68508