Listed are Extension personnel changes that have occurred recently. If we have missed someone who is new or who has left our system, please contact Kathleen Lodl or Rick Rasby.
Donna Bode, Administrative Associate for Kelly Bruns - West Central Research and Extension Center
Amanda Davis, Extension Assistant-4-H - Central Sandhills
Megan Hanefeldt, Extension Educator-4-H Youth Development - Knox County
Javed Iqbal, Nutrient Management/Water Quality Specialist - Agronomy and Horticulture
Angie Katzberg, Extension Assistant-NEP - Adams County
Kylie Kinley, Extension Educator-4-H Youth Development - Nuckolls County
T.L. Meyer, Extension Educator-Beef Systems - Central Sandhills
Tiffany Sessions, Extension Educator-4-H Youth Development - Douglas/Sarpy Counties
Jody Green, Extension Educator-Entomology - Lancaster County to Douglas/Sarpy Counties
Retired or Left
Leslie Crandall, Extension Educator - Phelps and Gosper Counties
Linda Dannehl, Extension Educator - Phelps and Gosper Counties
Judith Rastede, Administrative Associate for Bill Kranz - Northeast Research and Extension Center
Kristin Ulmer, Extension Educator - Saunders County
Dagen Valentine, Extension Educator - 4-H Youth Development