Site Bytes - Managing Website Access

Site Bytes - Web tips for county sites
Site Bytes - Web tips for county sites

Managing users for your county site is very simple. County site access is managed by Linda Tempel. Contact her at with the My.UNL username (ex: hhusker1) of the people you would like to grant access to the site.

Once Linda has given them access, the user will be able to publish and update content on the county site. They might want to take a look at the resources available on our Web Guide before actually start working on the site.

If an employee is retiring or changing job duties, Linda can also help with removal of site access.

Pro Tip
Need a list of people who can edit the site? Contact Linda Temple ( or Keith McGuffey ( for a list of users.

If you have ideas for videos or articles you would like to see, please email Keith McGuffey at More video tutorials can be found on the Nebraska Extension County Websites Media Hub channel.


Site Bytes is a regular column in Nebraska Extension – Keeping UP that provides quick tips for enhancing your county website. Written by Keith McGuffey, IANR Media Web Specialist.