It is that time of the year again where we are asking for your nominations for NCEA Awards! Below is a description of the awards being offered this year. Please go to to submit your nominations by October 20th at 5:00 PM.
Outstanding Mentor – extension educators, specialists and assistants/associates who have mentored in a formal or informal capacity another member of extension. The extension staff member may nominate their mentor, and the person nominated must be a member of NCEA at the time of nomination.
Creative Programming – This award is for NCEA member(s) who have developed creative programming within the past five years to address educational needs of Nebraskans. Nominations can either be individual or team programming. We will be awarding two awards this year in the category.
Outstanding Support Staff – This award is to recognize the hard work and dedication of our support staff that allows all Nebraska Extension to be successful. The award winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to allow them to purchase UNL “bling” of their choice.
Outstanding Partner in Education Award – This award is for external partners who have excelled to provide extension educational programming in partnership with NCEA members in their local or state-wide programming. This could be an individual, group/company, or media
Early Career Award 0-5 years - This award is to recognize employees for their outstanding work within their first 0-5 years with Extension.
Mid Career Award 6-15 years - This award is to recognize the outstanding work of employees that have been with Extension for 6-15 years.
Late Career Award 16 or more Years - This award is to recognize the outstanding work of employees that have been with Extension for 16 years or more.
Thank you to the NCEA Awards and Recognition Committee for their work to get this ready!
Committee includes: Laura Narjes, Ashley Fenning, Kara Wells, Sarah Sivits, Ann Fenton, Nancy Urbanec, Glennis McClure, KateLynn Ness, Krissy Kumm
More details at: