We know it and many of us have experienced it - severe weather can happen at any time. During the month of March, we join Nebraska Emergency Management Agency and the National Weather Service and other partners to share messages and promote outreach to help all Nebraskans prepare for the next severe weather event.
FEMA’s Ready.gov website has a wealth of resources that you can use to promote emergency preparedness from putting together your go-bag to helping people make their financial and communications plans. Resources are available in several languages.
The “It’s Not Luck” campaign has ready to use graphics and example text posts for social media that reminds all of us that we can’t rely on luck to stay safe and recovery more quickly following an emergency or disaster event.
• It’s Not Luck Graphics and Social Media Resources - https://www.ready.gov/its-not-luck
• Ready.gov Preparedness Calendar - https://www.ready.gov/calendar
• Keep Loved Ones Safe - https://www.ready.gov/
Do you have an upcoming event or educational program?
You can order free publications and resources from FEMA to share at https://orders.gpo.gov/icpd/ICPD. Shipping is currently no cost. Check this site often as it varies when publications and resources are in stock. Some publications can also be downloaded and printed or shared.
Nebraska Extension Disaster Education:
Be sure to share the Nebraska Extension Disaster Education website and resources on your county/unit websites and on your social media channels. If you have any suggestions for resources or a need to address an event, reach out to any member of the Nebraska EDEN team or Soni Cochran, scochran2@unl.edu.
• Nebraska Extension Disaster Education: https://disaster.unl.edu
• Nebraska Extension Disaster Education Social Media Channels:
o Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NEextensiondisasters/
o Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nebraskaextensiondisastered/
• Nebraska EDEN Team Members: https://disaster.unl.edu/nebraska-eden/
• Disaster Education Employee Resources: https://disaster.unl.edu/about-us/employee-resources/
More details at: https://disaster.unl.edu/