Midsummer Crop Diagnostic Clinics Offered near Mead

Agribusiness professionals and crop producers will take a close-up look at field conditions, research and techniques at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's midsummer Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics July 21-22.

The UNL Extension clinics begin each day with 7:30 a.m. registration at the Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead and start at 8 a.m. Participants will meet at the August N. Christenson Research and Education Building. Participants can attend one or both of the clinics as subject matter will be different each day.

Keith Glewen, UNL Extension Educator says, “The training sessions provide excellent opportunities for participants to obtain in-depth training in a field setting. A wide range of topics will be covered ranging from technology to irrigation to pest and weed management to customer service and more. The training is very applicable to real life situations.”

Topics on July 21 include: update on corn nematodes and their management, in-depth soybean cyst nematode (SCN) management, technologies for water conservation, water management, decision making on hybrids and varieties, and sharpening insect identification skills.

Six Certified Crop Adviser credits (pest management – 3, soil and water management – 2, and crop production – 1 ) have been applied for and are pending approval for this clinic.

July 22 clinic topics include: SoyPod - a smartphone application for scouting soybean aphid, impact of winter annual weeds, getting the most from fungicides on corn and soybean, science behind high yield soybean production, crop residue removal impacts, and customer service for ag retail staff. Six Certified Crop Adviser credits (pest management – 3, nutrient management – 1, soil and water management – 1, and, crop production – 1 ) have been applied for and are pending approval for this clinic.

Early registration is recommended to reserve a seat and resource materials. Cost for one clinic is $150 for those registering one week in advance and $200 after. Cost for both clinics is $260 one week in advance and $310 after.

For more information or to register, contact the ARDC CMDC Programs, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE 68033, call (800) 529-8030, fax (402) 624-8010, e-mail cdunbar2@unl.edu or visit the Web at http://ardc.unl.edu/training.shtml.

A late season Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic will also be held on Aug. 25.

More details at: http://go.unl.edu/pei