Learning Opportunities at Learn

eXtension Learning Opportunities
eXtension Learning Opportunities

Plenty of Learning Opportunities Available!

2015 has begun with some very interesting and useful learning opportunities by extension! Here I have included upcoming ones on various topics as well as recent learning events in January and early February which have a recording available. New events have recently been added to Learn.extension.org so check there as more related events are included. These learning events are open to all who are interested… check each event listing to see if there is registration needed before the event. Share with your colleagues, clientele, etc. since participation is online from a home, office, etc.

Hot topics this week!
- February 15, Labor Pool vs Talent Pool: Gathering Industrial Skill Requirements in Rural Areas, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1717
- February 17, Machinery Sharing: Scaling Up Production for Small-Farm Growers, at Learn.extension.org/events/1700
- February 17, Blasting the Competition Away: Air-propelled Abrasive Grits for Weed Management in Organic Grain and Vegetable Crops, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1887
- February 18, Part III Medicaid and Military Families: Adults with Special Needs, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1722
- February 18, Mobile Slaughter Units (MSUs): An International Perspective, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1852
- February 18, Low cost plant and soil health measurements using PhotosynQ, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1895
- February 18, Getting started with value-added agriculture, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1883
- February 19, Sight beyond sight: the power of near-infrared imagery for mapping, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1999
- February 19, Building a Public Health Partnership to Assist with your School Nutrition Program, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1791

Popular Upcoming Learning Events
- February 23, Getting started with farm food safety, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1845
- February 23, Malting barley and hops production in Michigan - Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Webinar Series 2015, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1971
- February 25, Migrant, Seasonal and H2-A Visa Workers Webinar, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1860
- February 25, Public opinion of landscape water use, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1925
- February 25, How to Facilitate Difficult Conversations, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1940
- March 3, Health problems with the poultry skeletal system, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1924
- March 4, Working to Balance Life, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1993
- March 5, Latino Military Families: Current Issues & Implications for Clinical Work, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1951
- March 5, Childhood Obesity Indicators: Capturing the National Impact of Extension, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1773
- March 6, 2015 All Bugs Good and Bad Webinar Series: Fire Ant Management Using Baits, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1939
- March 17, Investing With Small Dollar Amounts, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1969

Recent events with Recordings
- Health problems with the digestive system of poultry, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1789
- Innovation/Institutional Team Web Conference - January 2015, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1894
- Building the Capacity of Small Meat Processors: Successes and Lessons from North Carolina, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1874
- January 2015 CoP meeting for small and backyard flocks, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1892
- Developing a Personal Asset Allocation Strategy, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1715
- Systems Organic Management Suppresses Cabbageworm Outbreaks: Evidence from 4 Long-term Organic Farms, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1844
- Quality of eggs from different production systems, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1750
- Part II Medicaid and Military Families: Children with Special Needs, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1699
- Troubleshooting Design-Based Cow Comfort Issues, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1898
- Unmanned Aerial Systems for Mapping, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/2007
- Mobile Manure Apps, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1893
- Marketing Your Products - Turning Samples into Sales, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1862
- Rotational No-Till, Mulching and Conservation Tillage for Organic Vegetable Farms Webinar, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1827
- The Smarter Lunchrooms Scorecard App – LunchScore, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1903
- Health concerns with backyard poultry flocks, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1703
- Managing Bad Stink Bugs Using Good Stink Bugs, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1779
- Interdependence: The 9th Critical Element of Positive Youth Development, athttps://Learn.extension.org/events/1909
- Using New 4-H Career Exploration Curriculum: Build Your Future, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1910
- The New Faces of 4-H Volunteers: Changing and Retaining, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1911
- 4-H Teens as Mentors: Developing Positive Role Models for Youth, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1912
- Land Grant Impacts Database Informational Webinar, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1948
- 4-H Healthy Club Challenge, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1913
- 10 Free Online Tools to Create 4-H Learning Activities, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1914
- Growing Conifers for Homeowners Using IPM, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1946
- Developing, Implementing & Sustaining Healthy Food Incentive Prgrms at Farmers™ Markets, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1956
- Community-Level Indicators for Positive Youth Development: Identification and Collection within Existing Data Sets, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1915
- Enlivening Biosecurity and Quality Assurance Training, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1916
- Evaluating Disaster Insurance Needs for Rural Homes & Agriculture, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1917
- Calculating What to Save for Retirement, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1716
- Growing Apples for Homeowners Using IPM, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1947
- Health problems with the respiratory system of poultry, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1790
- Introducing the Smarter Lunchrooms Technical Assistance Providers' Handbook, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1957
- 2015 All Bugs Good and Bad Webinar Series: Pesticide Strategy - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1864
- Housing for small poultry flocks, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1719
- Handling Manure with Gypsum Bedding, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1998
- Communication Killers, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/2002
- Avian influenza and backyard flocks, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1996
- Biosecurity in backyard flocks, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1995
- Health concerns for egg layers, at https://Learn.extension.org/events/1751

Go to Learn (https://learn.extension.org) to see more sessions in 2014 and 2015, and to add learning opportunities being offered by you or your institution so you may include more for participation and learning!

Questions and Comments? Contact Beth Raney at beth.raney@extension.org. If you have web-based events for which you would like more participation, please add them at Learn.extension.org for others to join in!