National 4-H Poultry Judging


Four Lancaster County 4-H youth (pictured L–R) Catherine Polk, Lilee Chevalier, Claire Polk and Noah Jelinek (coached by Nichole Jelinek) competed as a team in the poultry judging contest during the National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference in Louisville, Ky. on Nov. 15–16. Individually, Noah Jelinek placed 7th overall out of 73.

The poultry judging contest teaches participants to make decisions in an orderly manner, use reasoning skills and communicate decisions. Youth also learn to use USDA grading criteria to determine the quality of ready-to-cook poultry and eggs.

The team qualified for the national contest by placing high at the statewide poultry judging contest held during the Premier Animal Science Event (PASE).