Lancaster County 4‑H is proud to announce Shane Cuttlers of Raymond as winner of the November “Heart of 4‑H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
He has volunteered with 4‑H in a variety of ways for 14 years:
• Assisting the 5 Star 4‑H club with community service activities such as roadside cleanups, YMCA Trunk or Treat, and the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign.
• Assisting the Pick A Pig 4‑H club with club activities and hauling pigs to and from the Lancaster County Super Fair.
• At the Super Fair, helping in the show ring at the Swine Show, assisting with poultry pen set up and take down, providing livestock for the Livestock Judging Contest and the Elite Showmanship contests, as well as staffing shifts in 4‑H Council’s food stand.
“I like being a volunteer because I have always been a part of civic groups such as Boy Scouts and numerous fire service organizations (local, state, national and international),” Shane says. “I think giving time and resources to organizations like 4‑H helps to make communities strong. My volunteering sets an example for youth to see and hopefully it encourages them to volunteer. My favorite experience as a 4‑H Volunteer has been watching my daughters show livestock and also seeing the joys of all the kids and their accomplishments in 4‑H.”