Nationwide, research finds that early childhood educators experience high levels of stress, burnout and teacher turnover. These stressors impact this vital workforce, which in turn, impacts children. Therefore, we work with the adult, because early childhood educators’ well-being is directly... Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County’s popular program, Successful Farmer Series, is returning with new and relevant cropping systems topics presented by experts. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays, Dec. 4, Dec. 11 and Dec. 18 from 8:30–11 a.m. with check-in and breakfast starting at 8 a.m. Continue reading…
Did you know 38 million people have diabetes in the United States, and 1 in 5 of them don’t know they have it? November is American Diabetes Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about diabetes. Continue reading…
Applicators needing a new license and those with licenses expiring in April 2025 have several options to maintain their license.
In-person training classes are held from January through April. Training schedules will be available soon at... Continue reading…
African violets do well when potted in small pots. A good general rule is to use a pot one-third the diameter of the plant. Encourage African violets to bloom by giving them plenty of light. They can be in a south window during dark winter months. They bloom beautifully under fluorescent lights. Continue reading…
Fall and winter gatherings are upon us and that often means a bustling house full of family, friends and preparation of tasty recipes in the kitchen. All of these things should make for joyful times, but they can potentially have a stressful impact on your private water well and onsite wastewater Continue reading…
The majority of cover crops in Nebraska are planted during and after the fall harvest season, so now is a good time to review the benefits and drawbacks of cover crops, and general cover crop management practices. Continue reading…
While insect activity slows for the year, there may still be problems that arise indoors. Fleas, for example, are small, wingless insects that feed on blood and are most commonly found in homes with pets. And just like other “bitey” bugs, they can cause itchy bites, allergic reactions... Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4‑H is proud to announce Shane Cuttlers of Raymond as winner of the November “Heart of 4‑H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
He has volunteered with 4‑H in a variety of ways for 14 years:
• Assisting the 5 Star 4‑H club with... Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4‑H is proud to announce Dena Noe of Lincoln as winner of the December “Heart of 4‑H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
She has volunteered with 4‑H for eight years, teaching Clover College workshops on basic banking, entrepreneurship... Continue reading…
Nebraska 4‑H, in collaboration with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Department of Animal Science, hosted the sixth annual Nebraska 4‑H Fed Steer Challenge in 2024. Participants selected, purchased, exhibited, harvested and analyzed carcass data on a steer while networking with... Continue reading…
Several 4‑H shooting sports competitions happen throughout the year, including archery, shotgun, bb gun, air pistol and air rifle. Here are the Lancaster County 4‑H youth who placed in the top ten. Continue reading…
Several Lancaster County specialty 4‑H clubs are looking for new 4‑H members. For more information about these clubs, go to or call 402-441-7180.
The Lancaster County Agricultural Society (which acts as the Fair Board) will hold its Annual Meeting and Board election on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at Sandhills Global Event Center, 4100 N. 84th St., Lincoln, NE 68507, in the Lancaster Room on the north side of the facility. Continue reading…
Upcoming 4-H events and deadlines are published in the "4‑H - Lancaster County" weekly e‑newsletter. Enrolled 4‑H families receive this e-newsletter every Friday. Anyone can view it at
The NEBLINE newsletter is published by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County and is available in print, e-newsletter, PDF and audio versions. Learn more at
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County upcoming events are listed in our online event calendar at View by week, month, year or upcoming.