Law-Psychology Program celebrates 40th anniversary
UNL’s Law-Psychology Program was one of the first of its kind 40 years ago and celebrated its longevity and successes with an anniversary celebration Oct. 23-25. Continue reading…
UNL’s Law-Psychology Program was one of the first of its kind 40 years ago and celebrated its longevity and successes with an anniversary celebration Oct. 23-25. Continue reading…
Professor Eric Berger presented three different papers at three different law schools recently. He presented at a symposium on Lethal Injection at the University of Richmond, gave a colloquium at Loyola Chicago, and delivered a lecture at UCLA. Continue reading…
Professor Kristen Blankley joined the faculty of the 12th Annual Advanced Mediation and Advocacy Skills Institute, sponsored by the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution. Continue reading…
Beth Burkstrand-Reid was appointed by the United States Commission on Civil Rights to the Nebraska Advisory Committee. Continue reading…
Christian Legal Society speaker Professor Richard Duncan’s spirited and thought provoking “Masks of the Law” presentation at the 2014 NSBA Annual Meeting discussed the creation of legal masks and their impact on important legal decisions and policies affecting groups treated harshly by the law. Continue reading…
Al Frank was one of thirty nine UNL faculty to receive emeritus honors during the 2014 Employee Service Awards ceremony in October.
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In recognition of her sustained outstanding performance in the law profession, Medill was the first fellow from Nebraska to be inducted during the counsel's 15th annual dinner and ceremony in October in Washington, D.C. She also published a new edition of her employee benefits casebook. Continue reading…
Professor Richard Moberly was appointed to another two-year term on OSHA's Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee. In November, Moberly also moderated a panel on whistleblowers at an ABA section conference and gave an ethics CLE for 160 attorneys at an event sponsored by McGrath North. Continue reading…
For the second-consecutive year, UNL's Josephine "Jo" Potuto has been honored for her efforts in fostering excellence among student-athletes. She also spoke across the country on legal issues involving the NCAA. Continue reading…
The number of presentations at major conferences made by Professor Schaefer in the past year grew to eight when Professor Schaefer presented to the 65th International Astronautical Congress & 57th International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space in Toronto. Continue reading…
Professor Anthony Schutz appeared twice in the news media, discussing the the Republican River Pact and the Keystone XL Pipeline.
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Anna Shavers and Dwayne Ball, associate professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration, co-chaired the Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking at Embassy Suites in Lincoln. Professor Shavers also presented on "Legal Advocacy for Trafficking Victims" at the College of Law. Continue reading…
Professor Sheppard spoke on the Supreme Court and Intellectual Property Law at the SMU Dedman School of Law's Annual Symposium on Emerging Intellectual Property Issues. Professor Sheppard also helped draft Congressional testimony for a recent hearing on patent litigation. Continue reading…
Shoemaker’s recent book review was published in the latest volume of Great Plains Research. Professor Shoemaker also presented a paper at the Central States Law School Association Conference and recently moderated a panel for the Lower Platte River Corridor Alliance annual summit. Continue reading…
Professor Adam Thimmesch published an essay for the Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc online forum and an article for State Tax Notes. He also presented a new paper at the Central States Law School Association conference. Continue reading…
Professor Frans von der Dunk presented "From Space Tourists to Unruly Passengers? The U.S. Struggle with 'On-Orbit Jurisdiction'" at the Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space organized by the International Institute of Space Law at the International Astronautical Conference. Continue reading…
Professor Steve Willborn spoke at three events: Elon University, Seton Hall’s Young Scholars Forum and at a conference convened by the Cornell Law Review. Continue reading…
Professor Catherine Wilson presented her paper "Economic Justice and Student Loans Preventing Student Loans from Crippling Social Mobility," at UC-Davis. Continue reading…
Professor Zellmer presented, “Unnatural Disasters: How Law Hurts, How Law Can Help,” at the University of Minnesota Institute for Advanced Study. Additionally, Professor Zellmer organized a panel on Reconciling Development Challenges Facing Protected Areas for the IUCN World Congress in Australia. Continue reading…
Mari J. Matsuda, Admit that the Waters Around you Have Grown: Change and Legal Education, 89 Indiana Law Journal 1381 (2014).
"I teach first year law students," I explain to my non-lawyer friends and relatives, "when they're super sweet and eager and ready to change the world." Continue reading…
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