Mari J. Matsuda, Admit that the Waters Around you Have Grown: Change and Legal Education, 89 Indiana Law Journal 1381 (2014).
"I teach first year law students," I explain to my non-lawyer friends and relatives, "when they're super sweet and eager and ready to change the world." Inevitably, someone in the conversation (and sometimes it's me, if I think I can get a laugh) says "well... law school will beat that feeling out of them eventually."
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Mari J. Matsuda, professor of law at the University of Hawai'i at Mãnoa, William S. Richardson School of Law, believes that law school should instead reaffirm and nurture that drive to make the world a better place. Professor Matsuda spoke last fall at the Addison C. Harris Lecture Series at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, and her remarks were recently published by the Indiana Law Journal. They are worth reading.