Professor von der Dunk participated in two panels with the British news station TRT World Media, on space commercialization including space mining (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW79BFfZwxc&t=1s) respectively space militarization and the newly announced US Space Force (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Gxhe3yZobc).
Professor von der Dunk also published a short piece at the occasion of the 49th anniversary of the first moon landing for The Conversation website (https://theconversation.com/who-owns-the-moon-a-space-lawyer-answers-99974), entitled ‘Who owns the moon? A space lawyer answers.’ This piece also came to be included in the Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/who-owns-the-moon-a-space-lawyer-answers/) and Newsweek (https://www.newsweek.com/who-owns-moon-space-lawyer-explains-opinion-1034468); was translated into Brazilian (https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/justica/quem-e-dono-da-lua-um-advogado-especialista-em-direito-espacial-responde-ein1vt8697ul9kvsxue4y8gcu/) and Arabic (https://medium.com/@ibrahimaloua/من-يملك-القمر-76a0d1bb714), and gave rise to a number of interviews for radio, printed and web media. Professor von der Dunk was the first Nebraska Law professor to collaborate with The Conversation under the new partnership.
Professor von der Dunk was interviewed for an article by Mark Kaufmann on the Mashable website regarding the woman who sued NASA over a vial of moon dust (https://mashable.com/2018/06/19/nasa-sued-vial-moon-dust-neil-armstrong/?europe=true&utm_cid=hp-h-2).
Professor von der Dunk was interviewed for an article by Michele Catanzaro for the Spanish/Catalonian newspaper El Periodico on the human colonization of outer space (https://www.elperiodico.com/es/mas-periodico/20180505/se-busca-casa-en-el-universo-6800708).
Professor von der Dunk was interviewed on Sputnik Radio on legal and political issues concerning the International Space Station (https://soundcloud.com/radiosputnik/part-of-the-space-station-is-not-american-but-russian-european-canadian-and-japanese-expert).
Professor von der Dunk was interviewed by Claudia Geib for her article on the Futurism website on The First Car in Space (https://futurism.com/experts-elon-musk-roadster/).
Professor von der Dunk was interviewed by Dave Mosher of Business Insider for his story on the so-called space kingdom of Asgardia (https://www.businessinsider.nl/asgardia-1-satellite-first-country-exist-space-2017-12/?international=true&r=US).
An interview with Professor von der Dunk on the new Luxembourgish law on space mining appeared translated into French on Paperjam – Business zu Lëtzebuerg (http://paperjam.lu/news/des-arguments-fallacieux-contre-spaceresourceslu).