Vachon speaks to Rotary International about nonprofit work & women's rights in Pakistan, Afghanistan

Christyne Vachon
Christyne Vachon

Professor Christyne Vachon recently gave a speech to the Lincoln club of Rotary International about nonprofit work and women's rights in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Among the topics discussed, Vachon highlighted that the plight of woman's health care and rights in Afghanistan make it the worst place in the world to be a woman. About 24,000 women die in childbirth each year, and about 90% of women have been the subject of violence. There is a big gap in health care for women because when the Taliban ruled, they prevented women from studying (to become doctors or healthcare providers) and prevented women from going to male doctors. At this point in time, there is a huge need for healthcare services for women. In addition, women's rights overall, particularly outside of the big cities, need to be improved. A grandmother had more rights when she was a young woman, than her grand daughter today. Women in Pakistan also face a terrible human rights situation.