2L Job: Skills Class Assistant

Dean Pierce is hiring a 2L assistant for the 1L Skills Class. The duties include: 1)attendance at weekly Skills class meetings (generally Thursdays from 9:30-10:20 am) and guiding the students through in-class review of outlines; 2) “office” hours (2 hours per week) to meet with 1Ls to review individual outlines and assist them with the skills it takes to be a successful law student; 3) review and feedback on written exercises, which include issue analysis and practice exam questions, and 4) assistance with preparation of practice exam questions. The Skills Assistant may set the office hour times, but they must be during day hours and at a time when 1Ls do not have class. The 1L schedule is available on the 1L information page on the website. The pay is $10 per hour and the hours vary, but are usually between 3-8 hours per week.

Interested? Apply by emailing Dean Pierce a statement of interest and resume. No formal cover letter is necessary.