Summer Session 2013
June 23-August 1
Application Deadline: April 1, 2013
The Cambridge Study Abroad Program is a fully ABA-accredited program jointly sponsored by Downing College of Cambridge University and The University of Mississippi School of Law, in affiliation with The University of Arkansas-Fayetteville School of Law, the University of Tennessee College of Law and the University of Nebraska College of Law.
Whether you are looking for an exciting change of perspective to invigorate law school, or you are considering a career in international practice, the Cambridge Summer Session is the right place for you.
Summer 2013 classes are taught by members of the Cambridge University Faculty of Law or by law professors from the Universities of Mississippi, Arkansas-Fayetteville, Tennessee and Nebraska. Professor Moberly will be the Nebraska representative. He is teaching a class titled "The Law of Secrecy”. Think WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, whistleblowers, leakers, domestic wire-tapping, corporate espionage (on you and on each other), cellphone tracking, and trade secrets.
Here is the description:
Secrecy plays a complicated role across a broad swath of legal regimes. For example, the law encourages secrecy in certain areas, such as national security, employee inventions and trade secrets, and attorney confidentiality. Yet, society often discourages secrecy because it is in tension with such inherent values as democracy, open government, transparency, and a free press. The course will examine how the law in each of these and other areas addresses secrecy. Moreover, countries often approach secrecy from different perspectives, so the course will look at how the United States treats secrecy compared to other countries.
Outside the classroom, you can learn first-hand about the English legal system. There will be a day-long excursion, on July 6th to London to visit the Royal Courts of Justice, and the Middle Temple Inn of Court.
Tuition: $2,650 + housing and partial board (£1925):
Room and partial board at Downing is a package arrangement. It includes breakfast and lunch, Monday through Thursday during the program, as well as a reception on the first night of the program, June 23, and the semi-formal Final Dinner, July 31st. It is not possible to obtain only a room or only partial board. All students are expected to live in Downing College.
Brochures and financial aid information/forms (Procedures for Summer Study Abroad) are available in the Dean’s office.
Apply for your U.S. passport at the NCard Office/Passport Application Center
Room 121, Main Level NE Union
14th & R Street
Phone: 402-472-7331
Monday through Friday
8 am to 4:30 pm
(Call ahead to ensure agent availability)
Check ahead for passport requirements at: http://ncard.unl.edu/passport
For more information visit: http://law.olemiss.edu/academics-programs/cambridge-study-abroad-program/