S.T.I.R.: No Sticks in My Bundle - The Indian Land Tenure Problem


Join fellow students and faculty for food, drink and conversation at the next S.T.I.R. event featuring Professor Jessica Shoemaker.

Tuesday, March 12
4:00 p.m. - Event begins
4:30 p.m. - S.T.I.R. talk begins
Student Lounge

We all recognize that poverty, unemployment, and access to basic services can be major problems on many of the Indian reservations in this country, but we might not all realize that, arguably, the root of many of these problems lies in property law dynamics. Professor Shoemaker's STIR talk, "No Sticks in My Bundle: The Indian Land Tenure Problem," will explore a little about the unique land tenure system in place for individual Indians and Indian tribes, how this system developed, and what some of the consequences of these unique land rights are. Her research is focused on trying to find workable solutions to these problems, so to the extent there is time before the gong strikes, she will talk a little about that too.

(That's right! There will be a gong and a student selected by Professor Shoemaker will be there to keep time & strike the gong when her 15 minutes is up. Don't miss it!)