SBA Elections

SBA Elections
SBA Elections

Wednesday March 13
9am-11:45am-Dean's Office
12-2pm-TBA: Lounge or Lobby

2013-2014 SBA Elections are going green.
Instead of the traditional poster board campaign, candidates' information, bios, and photographs were emailed for the following seats: Executive President, Secretary, ABA Rep, 3L President, 3L Reps, 2L President, 2L VP, and 2L Reps.

Currently there are NO applicants for the following positions: SBA Executive VP, SBA Treasurer, 3L VP, and a second 3L rep.

ALL of these positions can be filled in by running a write-in campaign! Both 2Ls and 3Ls (next year) are eligible for the SBA Exec positions!

Additionally, anyone that did not appear in the attached documents are still eligible to run for a position (provided you are an SBA Member) via write-in.

So please take some time to review the candidates' profiles so you can make an informed decision! SBA members, only though.

Nema Koohmaraie
SBA Executive Vice President, NESLA Vice President, & Student Ambassador