STUDENT LOCKERS for 2014-2015 - Sign-up/Clean-out

STUDENT LOCKERS for 2014-2015 - Sign-up/Cleanout
STUDENT LOCKERS for 2014-2015 - Sign-up/Cleanout

Deadline: August 1
Beginning in August, all lockers that are not signed out for the 2014-15 school year will be made available for students to sign out and use.

If you are a recent graduate of the law school, you may retain your locker through the conclusion of the Bar Exam, but you must clean out your locker by August 1.

If you are returning as a student in the fall and you used a locker in 2013-14, you must either sign out your locker on the new 2014-15 sign-up sheet by August 1, or you must clear out your locker by August 1. After August 1, locks will be cut and the contents will be removed from all lockers that have not been signed out for 2014-15. New students and returning students who want a different locker may then sign out new lockers.

Bear in mind that lockers do not automatically carry over from one school year to another. If you signed out a locker in 2013-14 and you want to keep it, you must sign out your locker again on the 2014-15 sign-up sheet. If you have already signed out a locker on the 2014-15 sign-up sheet, your locker will not be disturbed, and you do not need to take any further action. The locker sign-up sheets are located in the Dean's Office.

If you have any questions about your locker, please contact Lisa Lightner at