This Week at a Glance
A list of student programming at the Law College: Continue reading…
A list of student programming at the Law College: Continue reading…
Monday, October 20
1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Networking Reception
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
How much can you get out of one afternoon?
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Student Mac Users, Caution Before Installing New OS X Yosemite!
Using Box - Your University Provided Cloud Drive
Eating in the Library?
Schmid Law Library Facts and Features: NYTimes Digital Subscriptions
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Monday, October 20
5:30 p.m.
Hightower Ref Law, LLC in Omaha, Nebraska
At these meetings, students across all years of law school are able to contribute thoughts and ideas on how the organization should act. Continue reading…
Tuesday, October 21 – Tuesday, October 28
Boxes will be at the front of the library
To Benefit the Gathering Place, a soup kitchen in downtown Lincoln.
Bring any and all books to donate… any and all are needed for their library!
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First National Bank presents Careers in Compliance
Tuesday October 21
Hamann Auditorium
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Tax (Non)Compliance and the "Internet Sales Tax"
Presented by Professor Adam Thimmesch
Wednesday, October 22
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Student Lounge
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Thursday, October 23
12:00 p.m.
Join a Discussion panel hosted by Phi Alpha Delta.
There is still time to RSVP (which will help us make sure we have enough pizza for everyone). So, if you're interested in coming, please let us know via email/Facebook/in person--however you like!
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Friday, October 24
7:00 p.m.
Ridnour Room at the Apothecary in the Haymarket
For those who have gotten tickets…the Barrister's Ball is THIS week.
Hosted by the SBA every fall, the “Law School Prom” gives everyone chance to relax from law school with good food, drinks and a chance to get dressed u Continue reading…
The United States Senate Externship Program is a full-time placement for the spring semester with the Office of United States Senator Deb Fischer in Washington, D.C. The externship is open to second or third-year students with a grade point average of 6.0. The externship will begin on the first day of regularly scheduled classes at the College of Law and end on the last day of regularly scheduled final exams for the same semester. A student who participates in the Program may earn 12 hours of ungraded externship credit and receive a stipend of up to $1,500 to help cover expenses. Continue reading…
Join a small group of your classmates to learn more about how to prepare for the on-campus interview process, get tips for application materials (resume, cover letter, etc.), learn about online job search resources and help the CSO (Tasha, Heather and Natalie) start to put faces with names so we can better serve you! Sign up for a session in your ROSCOE account. Various dates and times are available from October 21 – November 7. Continue reading…
Tuesday, October 28th
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Sponsored by American Constitution Society and Student Innocence Project, the format of the event is a panel question and answer event, moderated by Professor Berger, but there will be plenty of time for questions from the audience too. Continue reading…
Nebraskans for Civic Reform is seeking volunteers to serve as non-partisan observers for the upcoming November 4, 2014 general election. Continue reading…
Log in to ROSCOE to check out these and more great opportunities: Continue reading…
(log into ROSCOE to RSVP) Continue reading…
East Campus, starting at the North side of the Union
Friday, October 31
The event is a 1.5 mile course that takes 30-45 minutes and includes challenge stations to test strength, balance, agility and endurance. Information is also available at the ‘wellness stations’ located in Stud Continue reading…
Donald W. Banner Diversity Scholarship for Law Students
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