From Dean Poser

Dean Susan Poser
Dean Susan Poser

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope you had some time to relax, and to study, as we now start careening to the end of the semester. There is a lot going on during these last few weeks of the semester. I will take this opportunity to mention some of the highlights.

This Tuesday, March 31st, we will be hosting the Honorable David M. Ebel as our Cline Williams Jurist-in-Residence. Judge Ebel serves as a Senior Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in Denver. Judge Ebel was nominated for the bench by President Ronald Reagan in 1987 and confirmed by the Senate in 1988. Judge Ebel will be at the Law College all day on Tuesday attending classes, speaking with students and faculty, and presenting a lecture beginning at 12:10 pm in the Hamann Auditorium, entitled The Times They Are A Changing—and so is the Fourth Amendment. I encourage you to attend this lecture, and to engage with Judge Ebel if you have the opportunity.

This Tuesday, March 31st, is also the 40th anniversary of the first class ever held in our current building, Ross McCollum Hall. That class was taught by the late Professor John Gradwohl on March 31st, 1975, after the Law College had moved from its former building on the City Campus. We are going to have a brief ceremony marking this anniversary at 4:00 pm on Tuesday in the lobby so please feel free join us to hear a few brief remembrances of that time 40 years ago.

Coming up in April, the biggest event is our hosting of the International Client Consultation Competition on April 15-18. This annual competition, which has been held all over the world, is coming to Lincoln because of the international reputation that the College of Law, its students, and its coaches, Professors Alan Frank and Craig Lawson, have for excellence in client counseling. We will be welcoming 75-100 international visitors in mid-April. You will hear more about this in the coming weeks.

There is much more, including Yale Law Professor Christina Rodriguez on April 16th giving a talk about immigration; the final STIR Talk of the year by Professor Ruser; and the Moot Court Final Round on April 3rd at the Nebraska Supreme Court. And of course, graduation of our third year class on May 9th at the Lied Center for Performing Arts at 3:00 pm, where our commencement speaker will be Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

So again, welcome back and I hope you enjoy what promises to be a hectic but interesting and fun end to the school year.