New Books @ the Schmid Law Library.

These materials are shelved just behind the reference desk, and may be checked out for two weeks. The links under each title take you directly to IRIS, where you’ll find more information about each title and whether or not it is currently checked out.

Nixon’s Court: His Challenge to Judicial Liberalism and Its Political Consequences by Kevin J. McMahon, 2011.

Witches, Wife Beaters, and Whores: Common Law and Common Folk in Early America by Elaine Forman Crane, 2011.

Defending Congress and the Constitution by Louis Fisher, 2011.

The Nonprofit’s Guide to Human Resources by NOLO Press, 2011.

How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, 17th ed., by NOLO Press, 2011.

Practical Guide to Environmental Management, 11th by Frank B. Friedman, 2011.