Monday, October 29, 2018
12:00 pm–1:00 pm
Room: 115-Auditorium
This event provides an opportunity to listen-in on a conversation between our Jurist-in-Residence guest lecturer, Hon. Raymond Lohier, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and Hon. Joseph Bataillon, Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska. They will explore the Origins of the U.S. Court beginning with the 1789 Judiciary Act, the Circuit Court of Appeals Act of 1891 (The Evarts Act), the Judicial Code of 1911, the Judiciary Act of 1925, the creation of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in 1939 and the Federal Judicial Center in 1969. While also discussing the creation of the Eleventh and Federal Circuit Courts in 1980 and 1982, and outlining the operations of the U.S. Judicial Conference, its committees and composition.