12:00 pm–1:00 pm
Room: 122
College of Law Sounding Block Mon. Oct. 22, 2018
- Government and Policy Speakers Series: Megan Reiss
- Week at a Glance
- Fireside Chat featuring Hon. Raymond Lohier and Hon. Joseph Bataillon
- Christian Legal Society (CLS) Weekly Meeting
- REGISTER NOW! Accelerate 2018: Grow. Rise. Lead.
- Student Bar Association meeting
- Graduation Regalia Measuring
- Career Development Office
- Cline Williams Jurist-in-Residence Lectureship Series
- St. Thomas More Society Weekly Meeting
- The Great Law School Bake Off
- Mandatory 1L Practice Exam
- Networking: It Doesn’t Have to Be Scary!
- Accelerate 2018: Grow. Rise. Lead
- The Psychology of Financial Decision-Making workshop
- The Psychology of Financial Decision-Making workshop
- Accelerate 2018 Registration, Reception, and Networking Workshop
- 2018 Human Trafficking and Migration Initiative