NE LTAP and Lancaster County Engineering are co-hosting the first Nebraska Safety Operations Summit on October 13 and 14. (The one-day program will be repeated on the second day.) Join us in Lincoln for hands-on workshops for equipment operators in motor grader, dump truck, skid steer, and more. Continue reading…
NE LTAP recently hosted two welding workshops with instructor Anthony Stampe. They were a success, and we will bring him back next fall for more sessions. Thank you to Tim Ryan from Keith County and Lancaster County Engineering's Ron Bohaty and Ed Lahmann. Find more photos on Facebook.
Whether newly appointed as a sign technician, a veteran in the role, or someone looking to move to the sign world, this workshop will offer an opportunity to see what the job entails, learn or review MUTCD basics, and explore current trends in signs installation, maintenance and care. Continue reading…
Registration is open for the 36th Annual Local Roads Conference to be held October 19-21. Traditionally held in Rapid City, this year's event will be in Sioux Falls. Continue reading…
Innovation can come from anywhere. Nebraska LTAP didn't receive any entries in 2021 so we are sharing examples from across the country to use in your departments or to inspire submitting your success stories. Continue reading…
Culverts are commonplace in Nebraska's rural roadways. Their effectiveness is imperative to maintaining a safe, efficient roadway system. Take a look at how Michigan is focusing on culverts in an article reprinted from The Bridge Newsletter. Continue reading…
Whether dedicated joggers or just making the trip from the parking lot to the store, we are all pedestrians. October is dedicated to promoting pedestrian safety. Continue reading…