Math Undergraduate News

Advising Updates

Mr. Doug PellatzNow is still a great time to be scheduling a meeting with me to discuss your future course plans and what lies ahead for you. Click here for additional updates and advising hours for both Dr. Radu and I. Continue reading…


Putnam Exam & Putnam Seminar

Math ClubThe annual Putnam Exam will be held this year on Saturday, December 7. This is a nation-wide mathematical competition which is open to all undergraduates. The Putnam seminar will meet each Friday at 2:30 in Avery 351, starting on September 27th. Continue reading…


Important Academic Dates

Academic CalendarFriday, October 18: Last day to change a full semester course registration to or from “Pass/No Pass”

Monday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 22: Fall Semester Break (Student Holiday - UNL offices open)

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Upcoming Academic Events

Meet The BanksClick here for a list of selected upcoming events like one upcoming Math seminar, the University Career Fairs, Meet the Banks, Homecoming, two Academic Success Workshops, a couple Explore Center events, and much more. Continue reading…


LPS Mentor for Highly Gifted Students

LPS Mentor for Highly Gifted StudentsLincoln Public Schools (LPS) is looking to hire mentors to work with students in all grades. An opportunity to mentor a student would be nice supplemental income, personally rewarding, and useful as an item on your resume when you graduate and apply for jobs. Continue reading…



Dr. Petronela RaduIf you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, your Math faculty advisor, Dr. Petronela Radu (211 Avery Hall,, and your Math assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (209 Avery Hall,, are here to help.

Originally published September 23, 2019 - Submit an Item