Hello Math Majors,
I am starting a new feature for the newsletter this week called the Mathematics Major Spotlight. I am going to reach out to a Math major to volunteer to be in the spotlight for the newsletter. For this newsletter, Alex Heitzman steps into the spotlight.
Student Name: Alex Heitzman
Major(s): Mathematics
Year in School: Senior
Where are you from?
I grew up on a farm in northeast Nebraska about 30 miles from Sioux City. I went to school in a small town called Emerson and graduated with about 20 kids in my class.
What gets you excited about Math?
I find mathematical facts interesting, just like how some people find facts about history interesting. I also enjoy the purely logical aspect and how it makes me think.
Favorite math class or instructor? Why?
I'd go with graph theory for class. I enjoyed the topics of topology and complex analysis just as much (actually, more) but they didn't go as deep as I would've liked. I don't have a favorite professor, but I thought Jamie Radcliffe and Richard Rebarber had very nice teaching styles. I've enjoyed most of my math professors and have never had one I disliked.
What are you excited about doing after graduation?
Going to grad school to study math further.
What is a goal you have accomplished as a Husker?
Being on the Dean's list every single semester (so far, anyway).
What do you hope to cross off your “bucket list” in the next few years?
Travel to Patagonia, although it will likely be more than a few years before I get to go.