Math Undergraduate News

Math Contest in Modeling

UNL Math ClubDo you want to be part of the 2020 UNL team for the Math Contest in Modeling? The international Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) is a contest where teams of undergraduates use mathematics present their solutions to real world problems. Continue reading…


Important Academic Dates

Academic CalendarMonday, January 13 - Spring Semester begins and late enrollment period begins for the Spring Semester

Tuesday, January 21 - Last day for Add a full semester course and drop a course with a 100% refund

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Upcoming Academic Events

Success Workshop Series - Spring 2020Click here for a list of selected upcoming events like a Math Club event, a Math Seminar, three new weekly events from Big Red Resilience & Well-being and OASIS, CAST Success Workshop Series, a Graduate Student Panel, and an Academic Integrity presentation. Continue reading…


UCARE Applications Open Soon

UNL UCAREThe application period for UCARE for both the Summer 2020 semester and the 2020-2021 academic year term starts today! To apply for UCARE, you must submit an online application during the open period for the appropriate UCARE term. Continue reading…



Dr. Glenn LedderIf you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, your faculty advisor, Dr. Glenn Ledder (211 Avery Hall,, and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (209 Avery Hall,, are here to help.

Originally published January 13, 2020 - Submit an Item