LPS Mentor for Highly Gifted Students
Lincoln Public Schools is actively seeking Juniors and Seniors to serve as mentors for highly gifted students at all levels in a variety of academic areas. LPS provides trained mentors to work with students identified as highly gifted in an academic area of their choice up to one hour per day.
Interested students must meet the following qualifications:
• Overall GPA of a 3.0 or above
• 15 college course hours in the subject to be mentored
• A minimum of 3.5 GPA in these courses
LPS has ongoing needs for mentors in:
• Mathematics
• Science
• English & Language Arts
• World Languages
• History/Social Studies
• Visual Art
LPS pays mentors $18.91 per hour for time working with students, as well as a mileage reimbursement for travel between schools for those with assignments at multiple LPS locations.
This mentorship provides a wealth of experiences to discuss in interviews for those considering the job market after graduation. You are encouraged to complete the mentor application, which can be found at https://lincoln.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=12084.
Questions? Please feel free to contact Gina Cookus in the LPS Human Resources Department (402-436-1587) if you have any questions.