Math Club: From Dice to Polynomials, and Back to Dice
The Math Club invites you to a talk by graduate student George Nasr on how to use polynomials to relabel a pair of dice without changing the probabilities of each roll.
Popular board games like Monopoly, Settlers of Catan, and Backgammon rely on a common mechanic—rolling two 6-sided dice and adding the resulting values. But is the labeling on these dice unique? That is, can we change the numbers on the dice so that the probability of getting 2 through 12 remain unchanged? If so, how many labelings are there? In this talk, we'll talk about how polynomials (and more broadly, power series tricks from Calculus) can help us find the answer!
Everyone is welcome at our Math Club event regardless of their major. No membership is required.
Date: Thursday, March 4th
Time: 4:00-5:00pm (central)
Zoom link: https://unl.zoom.us/j/92006838963
Meeting ID: 920 0683 8963
Password: Avery351