2020-21 SAMSI E&O: Undergraduate Virtual Workshop
As part of its Education and Outreach Program for 2021, the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) will host a two-and-a-half-day undergraduate workshop on topics of current interest in statistics and applied mathematics. Topics covered will include data science in the social and behavioral sciences, mathematical biology, and other areas of interest in applied mathematics and statistics. The workshop will feature R software tutorials and introductory lectures on four projects. Hands-on illustrations will be presented and participants will present their work at the end.
U.S. citizens and permanent residents who attend are eligible for a small ($350) stipend after successfully completing the workshop.
Virtual Workshop
Dates: May 16-18
Times: May 16: 1-4pm; May 17: 8:45-Noon; 1-3pm; May 18: 8:45-Noon.
All times are Eastern Daylight Time.
A letter of recommendation from a faculty member at your college/university must be submitted to ugworkshop@samsi.info before the deadline of March 25, 2021.
More information and a link to the application is available here: https://www.samsi.info/programs-and-activities/2019-2020-education-and-outreach-programs-and-workshops/2020-21-eo-undergraduate-workshop-may-16-18-2021/.