Research Technicians in Mathematical Modeling Applied to Health

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Research Technicians in Mathematical Modeling Applied to Health

The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain) has three Research Technician positions in Mathematical Modeling Applied to Health. BCAM is the research center on applied mathematics created with the support of the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country, which aims to strengthen the Basque science and technology system, by performing interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of mathematics, talented scientists’ training and attraction, so the excellence of our results are recognized by the Society.

One Research Technician in Big Data tools and Artificial Intelligence for patient stratification
In the framework of the BCAM “Mathematical modelling applied to health” strategy, a series of projects in this field will be launched in different areas of Applied Mathematics. This project is titled “Big data tools and artificial intelligence for patient stratification: strategic planning of health resources and design and implementation of interventions”. It aims to develop and validate prediction models for the stratification of the Basque Country population according to health needs. This stratification will help the Basque health system to (1) plan ahead and reduce health care costs; (2) offer care indicators adjusted by risk; and (3) identify special target populations (e.g., complex chronic patients or patients with prevalent chronic pathologies and high consumption of resources) to design and apply interventions adapted to the needs of the individuals in these group. The project will be carried out in collaboration in collaboration with the “Grupo de estratificación” from the Basque Country. Although the position is opened for one year, it is expected that the project will have a longer duration and there may be the possibility to pursue a PhD during its execution.

One Research Technician in Machine Learning and Applications to medicine
In the framework of the BCAM “Mathematical modelling applied to health” strategy, a series of projects in this field will be launched in different areas of Applied Mathematics. This position is aimed for a research technician in machine learning and applications to medicine.

One Research Technician in Mesoscopic Fluid Dynamics Modelling and Simulation of Virus for Detection and Characterization
Applications are invited for a research technician position in mesoscopic modelling blood coagulation at the CFD group (BCAM) in collaboration with Biocruces Hospital. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the current pandemic, consist of a nanoscale spherical capsid decorated with protruding functional proteins. The alignment of the such proteins with specific receptors of the human cells determines the linkage and further insertion of the viral genetic material into the cells. At the nanoscale, the rotational diffusion of such decorated objects may exhibit characteristic deviations compared to a simple nanosphere. Moreover, the type and distribution of the surrounding proteins can provide rotational signatures that differentiate various types of virus, thus providing relevant biomarkers. The goal of this project is to explore the potential of microrheological characterization of viral solutions as a tool for virus-identification and characterization. The effect of the decorating-proteins morphology and distribution over the dynamic of virus will be investigated using the smoothed dissipative particle dynamics method. The results of this project will provide relevant mesoscopic information to construct a multiscale framework to investigated COVID19-related pathologies. The postdoctoral candidate will work under the supervision of Ikerbasque Prof. Marco Ellero (CFD group, BCAM) on the developments and use of mesoscopic particle-simulation methods to better understand changes in the translational and rotational diffusivity of viruses.

For more information about the BCAM, please visit