Virtual Student Data Science Symposium
The Student Data Science Symposium will be held on Friday, September 23rd, and will feature student speakers and opportunities for students to engage with industry professionals. We will also have networking opportunities for faculty and industry professionals.
• Register Here: https://www.accelevents.com/e/aucstudentdatasymposium22
• Free for all registrants
• HBCU students can receive CASH prizes for engagement
• Exhibitor tables and sponsorship opportunities
• HBCU students, submit your resume in the registration to connect with employers and graduate schools!
Throughout the afternoon, students will give 5-minute lightning talks on their data science work. The noontime keynote speaker, Dr. Gloria Washington who will share insights on “Using Data Science to Reduce Racist, Sexist, and Hate Speech.” The afternoon panel will feature AUC alum who have gone on to various data science careers. We will have interactive networking opportunities via meet-n-greets, lounges, and an Expo. Please join us for this interactive, informative data science Symposium!