Texas State University Math Graduate Programs Expo
The Department of Mathematics at Texas State University is hosting a Math Graduate Programs Expo on November 4, 2022. The purpose of the Math Graduate Programs Expo is to provide information about our programs to students considering graduate study in mathematics and mathematics education. We have a wide array of events planned, including Rapid Fire Undergraduate & Graduate Research Presentations, Graduate Student Panel, Faculty Presentations, and Informal Q&A.
More Information and Registration: https://www.math.txst.edu/research-conferences/graduate-expo_2022.html
Online Sway brochure about Texas State University Math Gradaute programs available at https://sway.office.com/tn2DOOumkOiIKgqb?ref=Link.
Deadline for undergraduate & graduate students to submit their abstract for rapid fire research is September 30, 2022. Further information and deadlines can be found at https://www.math.txst.edu/research-conferences/graduate-expo_2022/events.html. Dr. Wade Hindes (wmh33@txstate.edu) can answer questions regarding our Rapid Fire Research Competition. Travel scholarships available.
This program is completely optional and if students are unable to attend, they will not be adversely affected in any way on our evaluation of them for admission and financial aid.
Best regards,
Graduate Expo Planning Committee 2022
Dr. Piyush Shroff, Committee Chair
Dr. Wade Hindes
Dr. Thomas Keller
Dr. Kate Melhuish
Jarred Knittel