Cross-Institutional Undergraduate Research Experience
The Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance (IBA) is hosting the 2023 Cross-Institutional Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) workshop at Illinois State University (ISU).
Research-minded undergraduate students and mentoring-minded faculty members are invited to take part in an exciting, friendly, productive, and collaborative experience.
CURE-2023 will have three sessions.
• Pre-Workshop Online Prep Course: Hybrid (asynchronous lessons on foundation courses, synchronous sessions on hands-on activities and guest speakers): May 15-June 2, 2023.
• On-site In-Person Workshop: Research Mentor-Student Activities at ISU campus: June 5-10, 2023.
• Post-Workshop Follow up Session: Weekly Synchronous Sessions for Faculty Mentor-Student Activities & Progress Report presentations: June 12-October 27, 2023
• Research Presentations at BEER-XVI, CURE Special Session: November 10-12, 2023.
This highly selective program is a great opportunity for undergraduate students to work on productive collaborative research projects. It is also a great way, especially for junior faculty, and post-doctoral researchers to experience mentoring future scholars while conducting publishable research.
Registration fees, travel, lodging, and meal expenses of the selected faculty and students of IBA member institutions will be covered by the IBA.
BA Individual members will be eligible for grants up to 50% of their registration fee. They are encouraged to seek funding from their home institutions to cover their travel, meal, and lodging expenses.
For more information or to apply, please visit CURE-2023 website.