Student Research Days Slam and Broader Impacts Training
Student Research Days 2023 will be March 27-31 this year and will feature a variety of events for you to participate in. The highlights of the week will be the Research with Impact! workshop on Monday, March 27th and the Student Research Days Slam on Friday, March 31st.
Student Research Days 2023 Calendar
Research with Impact! Workshop
Monday, March 27th at 1:00-2:30 pm on Zoom
The Research with Impact! workshop will showcase diverse approaches to broader impacts, teaching students how an effective impact identity can help them to build a successful and rewarding research career. Click here to register!
Undergraduate Student Poster Session
Tuesday, March 28th at 10:00-12:00 noon in the Nebraska City Campus Union
The Student Research Days poster sessions provide an opportunity for students to present their research or creative work to the larger UNL community. Presentation prizes will be awarded. Disciplines featured: engineering and physical sciences. Click here for more information!
Undergraduate Student Poster Session
Wednesday, March 29th at 10:00-12:00 noon in the Nebraska City Campus Union
The Student Research Days poster sessions provide an opportunity for students to present their research or creative work to the larger UNL community. Presentation prizes will be awarded. Disciplines featured: arts, humanities, business, education, social sciences and life sciences. Click here for more information!
Nebraska Lecture featuring Philip Schwadel, “Declining Religion in the U.S.: The Causes and Consequences of Religious Disaffiliation among Young Americans”
Thursday, March 30th at 2:00 pm on Zoom
The percentage of Americans with no religion increased from 7% in 1990 to 30% today, and an even higher percentage of young Americans have no religion. Dr. Schwadel will review research on the causes and consequences of the decline of religion among young Americans. What leads them to leave religion, and what leads them to maintain religious beliefs? He will emphasize how family, friends and life transitions promote and inhibit religion. He also will discuss the impact of religious decline on social cohesion. Understanding the state of religion among today’s youth is key to understanding the future of American society. Must register for Zoom link: https://go.unl.edu/m32g
Student Research Slam
Friday, March 31st at 11:30-1:00 pm in the Wick Alumni Center
Undergraduate and graduate students will present short, engaging talks about their research. Attendees will vote on their favorite Slam, with the winning student to receive $500 and all other participants $100. Includes lunch. Click here for more information!
For students to apply to be a presenter (deadline March 15): https://go.unl.edu/slam23
To register to attend: https://go.unl.edu/mug0