Texas A&M University - Commerce Math REU
The Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M University-Commerce will recruit 12 undergraduate students for their NSF-supported Theoretical and Application Driven Mathematics (TADM) REU program.
During the 2023 REU program, the student participants will learn and investigate open problems in complex analysis, coding theory, and differential equations. They will work in a collaborative research environment under the supervision of faculty mentors. Each week specific time is incorporated into the schedule for professional development, including hosting external visitors from academic institutions and industry, preparing for graduate school, and discussing internships, and employment opportunities at the end of the program. Students will disseminate their research findings through poster and oral presentations and written reports and submit their manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
Summer 2023 Research Projects
• Area difference under complex analytic mappings (Mentor: Mehmet Celik)
• Graph-based quantum error-correcting codes (Mentor Padmapani Seneviratne)
• Stability, boundedness & applications of differential equations (Mentor: Tingxiu Wang)
Program Dates and Format
June 4 - July 29, 2023, in-person at the Texas A&M University–Commerce campus, Commerce, Texas, 75428.
Participants will receive a stipend of $4800, On-campus lodging, and travel support to and from Commerce, TX.
Participants must be United States citizens or permanent residents who are enrolled in an undergraduate program. They strongly encourage members of traditionally underserved groups in STEM fields, including African and Hispanic Americans, women, first-generation college students, and students from regions with limited resources and research opportunities to apply.
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
• Letter of Interest
• Unofficial Transcripts
• Ranking of the projects
• Reference letter
Please visit https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/1464 for more information!